

End User Agreement

This End User Agreement (the "Agreement") must be read in full by you (the "User" or "You") before using the services or products Ctrlb.app . Please note that the Agreement is a legally binding agreement between you and the company Ctrlb.app (hereinafter referred to as "we" or "us"), which is the owner of the website located at www.ctrlb.app ("Website").
In addition to the terms of this Agreement, please read our Privacy Policy, as well as other rules, policies and conditions applicable to the services and promotions available on the Website, which are included in this Agreement by reference, as well as other such rules, which we may periodically inform you about.
In accordance with the terms of this Agreement Ctrlb.app grants you a non-exclusive, personal and non-transferable right to use the services, products and materials Ctrlb.app , available on the Website, including text, images, drawings, graphic elements, photographs, animation, video materials, music and audio (together all of the above is called: Services).

No guarantees

Intellectual property

© 2023-07-14, ctrlb.app